PHM Blog — Paint Pixie Dusty RSS

Paint Pixie Paint Brush Review ~ How to Use Paint Pixie Brushes

   Hi Friends! Join me today while we do a Paint Pixie paint brush review. There are so many Pixie's to choose from so I wanted to tell you how you can use your Paint Pixie paint brushes. On to the paint brush review!  Paint Pixie Dusty Paint Brush This brush is a favorite by many! The Dusty brush is about 2 3/4" wide with bristles that are a natural and synthetic blend. This brush is great for base coating, applying sealers, and very popular for blending. Paint Pixie Oval Paint Brushes Currently available in the #8, #10 and the #12 but soon smaller sizes will also be available. The ovals are the best chalk paint brush. They hold a lot...

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